
Investing money solutions

After a couple of years, address already cost near $ 750,000. The topic of discussion was the favorite, we address - www.com. I think what he could accept in discussing a fantastic price for this address. "CEO 1E Samir Karayi for a private arrangement bought bizarre web address in favor of one of his company, consisting only once with the two characters, which cost him just over $ 600 .

Karayi: "As in this case, it is time, in the spirit we all just started a private business, was free to addresses in order for the site of the company but Al had the procedure interesting talks with a guy from Hong Konga.1e. After buying about us never had the need for an additional address, within reason, how many other two-character address all of us are not buying.

Having invested only $ 600 but did not immediately forbidden to acquire $ 750,000, the dilemma for the book, much to invest.

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