In an environment of universal contemporary globalization means of communication are undergoing a revolution because of the high rate of improvement of Internet technologies. The communications market too long ago one of the major players is a global network-telephony. This creation process presents an opportunity not only to each only negotiate with a low call cost and excellent call quality, but also opens access to additional services which exceed the capabilities of traditional forms of communication. The added value of this process of creation that is every one of you has the opportunity to build their business in the World Wide Web!
What is a global network-telephony?
Internet telephony - is a fashionable form of communication, the creation process, which uses the power of the Internet for transmission of voice signals. If you would talk to a simplified language, our voice word (by which we all communicate with buddies) will be transformed later advanced coding systems into data packets. Data packets are sent through the World Wide Web precisely appointment with the Internet Protocol TCP / IP destination, where in the decompressed and decoded in ordinary voice signals. As the address of the recipient (ie, according to the essence as phone numbers) used IP-addresses (
Under normal forms of communication, together with a simple mobile phone, voice signals are transmitted strictly smoothly on leased telephone lines. The World Network-Telephony provides an opportunity to deliver to the addressee compressed packets of encoded signals according to different routes. It means that each individual packets can move under its own route through completely different server, but eventually get it all in one destination (IP-address), where in the grouped and unpacked.
Many, speaking about the global network-telephony, often use the term IP-telephony. This is not always likely. The World Network-Telephony as a transmission channel package uses various Internet channels. IP-telephony also uses a specially designated reserved digital channels.
Internet telephony gets a valid time of widespread evenly around the world. There are predictions that are now in the coming decades, global network-telephony completely replace the conventional traditional telephony. What explains this trend?
Ordinary phone calls require a very high degree of improvement of communication: telephone exchanges, telephone lines, cable, satellites and so on All this leads to high cost of international calls.
The session is a telephone conversation just takes a dedicated phone line is activated as a result of excess capacity that now leads to unnecessary redundancy.
Worldwide network-telephony using existing telephone lines as well as applying advanced process of creating the Internet, allows transmit packets of data from different queries after one and the same line, just using its capacity. Ie one telephone line may be used simultaneously for multiple users.
World Network Telephony (due to the fact that it was an overwhelming share of voice-speech caller is not exactly on a telephone cable, but according to Network World Network), allows to significantly reduce the costs of negotiation, because that as if you'll only pay for Internet service under the tariffs of your provider.
Now, now the union of two technologies, traditional telephony and the Internet made it possible to create a single communications network, which allows to improve the original quality of communication, reduce the cost of international and long-distance calls, to offer its customers an extra set of services.
Many firms have begun to enter the market with the offer of services worldwide network-telephony. The World Network-Telephony stimulates the largest firms in accordance with the world to conduct research together to once again more investigation as well as improvements in technology.
Organization of the options business.
Business sense in the World Wide Web is to connect directly to the world leaders in providing services worldwide network-telephony providers, bypassing local intermediaries such services.
It is clear that now the domestic service providers worldwide network, the phone is connected to the networks of world leaders, ie, act as intermediaries to provide these services by setting its price, earning an impressive denyuzhku.
Internet telephony uses in its work to create a different process smoothly transfer the voice of speech, together with the help of the World Network Protocol TCP / IP through a global network channels. One such technology is called VoIP («Voice over IP», which now means' voice through IP »).
For organizations worldwide network telephony needs the following lines:
powerful computers with high-quality sound card;
telephone headsets;
access to the World Wide Web;
special software for transmission of voice through the voice channels worldwide network.
Internet telephony offers 3 types of solutions:
Consider them exactly in order:
1 solution. "Computer-Computer.
This is the most economical solution worldwide network telephony, because that seems you have to pay only for time spent in the World Wide Web, or cost expended traffic.
However, in order to conduct this type of negotiation both interlocutors have the right to be simultaneously connected with the Internet, using one and the same service worldwide network-telephony.
This method of solution is ideal for customers registered in one and the same service worldwide network telephony, about which there is a computer with an Internet connection.
2, the solution - "The computer-phone".
This kind of worldwide network-telephony lets you make a call from a PC connected to the Internet on any mobile phone. Communication Type "Computer-phone" is much on the cheap traditional telephone service.
This type of solution is picky about the hardware resources of personal computers. Needs a strong maternal reward, CPU performance, good sound remuneration. Most quality alliance with such a decision is permitted to make using the services of the provider of the first level, which has direct channels, such as the United States or Western Europe.
3, the solution - "Phone-Phone."
This type of global network-telephony does not require either a computer or access to the World Wide Web. The entire organization precisely for sending and receiving data packets takes equipment provider. You and your partner are using just an ordinary cell phone. However, despite the expressed comfort, this is the maximum variation of the precious global network telephony, especially if you use a local provider. Prices are about the regime above, due to the fact that as if they are the intermediaries of foreign providers of the first level. Therefore, this decision fits for those who are or who is consistent is not likely for several reasons priminyat other, more cheap solutions worldwide network-telephony.
Thus, the original quality of communications worldwide network telephony will depend on:
quality of telephone line (preferably own digital) you use;
speed, the stability of the connection with the Global Network Provider;
bandwidth of your global network service provider;
hardware resources of your computer.
You have the opportunity to conduct personal business, offering to all wishing to use the services of the World Network-Telephony.
You have a 2-wa option:
use domestic providers, intermediaries;
to provide services worldwide network-telephony providers to the population after the first level, for example, in the U.S. or Western Europe.
In both cases, the general project of organizing regular business:
register in the system provider;
pay package provider to provide you exactly global network channel;
buy and install special software from the provider. Received the program will help you organize a multi-channel phone server. Creating the server will allow you to serve simultaneously a huge number of phone calls later, the World Network subscribers.
offer public services, global network-telephony, while informing the negotiation of the comfort and low price relative to traditional long distance and international calls.
Internet telephony is similar offers you fit the variation of the "turnkey". In this case, the provider will provide you with just hardware, software, support systems, training. You are required to only provide advertising, marketing, implementation of sales, payment has traffic World Wide Web as well as lease local telephone networks;
To make payments when you connect to your ISP in the U.S. and Western Europe, most likely you will need the payment cards of Visa or Mastercard. Apply for himself, in particular, the card Visa Internet, which is designed for making payments through the World Wide Web. As a variation, try to use the system of bank transfers abroad.
The advantages of the options business:
lack of serious investment;
relatively low cost of negotiations on a traditional phone calls;
the possibility of imposing huge profits due to consumer telecommunications market and low competition;
Disadvantages of business options:
The World Network-Telephony requires constant development and improvement as a result of rapidly developing technologies, non-stop should be to monitor the software update
must be non-stop to resolve issues of security, payment services, improving the quality of the World Network-Telephony.